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Non-university research infrastructure

The central objective of the Bavarian innovation strategy is to strengthen scientific institutions in topics, which will become specifically relevant in the future. We will invest in facilities and infrastructure of international standing. They create the basis for new insights, ideas and approaches that have a significant impact on the Bavarian innovation ecosystem. Companies can convert them into marketable solutions. The focus is on the following specialisation fields of the Bavarian RIS3 strategy: mobility, life science, energy, materials and resources as well as digitalisation.

This ERDF funding promotes the development and expansion of non-university research infrastructure. In particular, it includes the construction of research facilities and the provision of initial equipment in order to strengthen Bavaria as a location for innovation.


Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie

Referat 51 | EFRE-Verwaltungsbehörde
Prinzregentenstraße 28 | 80538 München
E-Mail: infoefre(at)stmwi.bayern.de